Sunday, December 28, 2008

Almost in the Light

The year has been dark
full of hardship and trials
for ourselves and all we love

around the corolla of the eclipse
we can see the emerging light
with the days getting longer

once again the sun is creeping
closer to our lives closer to our souls
closer to our hopes and dreams

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ryhme or Reason

those words that used to fill this space
are now just beyond these fingers' reach

anchored in a newer place
they do not make it into speech

and when the tongue has lost its way

the brain must manage on its own

find other means by which to say
what can't be said by words alone

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Two In One Day

we are agentless in this new voice
queries go but cometh no champion
changes are wrought and complements abound
family friends tired now of listening to words
dripping down the page like the broken shower head
following the trail that could be the one
whispering i need a place
a home a room a shelf of my own

Fibro Fog

who stole the clarity
articulated the friendship
lost the animosity
craved the aspmarte
handled the fishmongers

who was the one who
was the one there under
that other one who came
around and i thought
i remembered it that way

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hell May Not Be Sufficiently Hellacious

Who would need to suffer more than what hell has to offer?

An act of killing perpetrated by a government. (literally killing cide of the people demos)

Sororocide and Fratricide: An act of killing our sisters and brothers

Those cides of things where evil takes hold and will burn off only when lodged in the heart of a sun at a pace so slow that whole universes appear and disappear before the soul can find its way home.

For there are souls
that attract the light
that reflect the darkness
that are old
that are young
born in mystery

Souls seeking souls

Sister Mother Daughter Niece Aunt Grandmother
Brother Father Son Nephew Uncle Grandfather

Democide: when those who cannot speak are separated from the beloved community and the tethers of care that drew them closer to the center are severed and those who seek their return are made silent

Will hell be sufficiently hellacious for us all?

Monday, May 12, 2008

One Bus Stop Away from Madness

With Michael at semester's end,
In the presence of genius, sort of.
Sketch books
Old row house student rooms
Air mattresses
Claw foot bathtub
Now that's real living!

Friday, April 11, 2008

No Time Like the Present

Multi-tasking and zoom zoom zoom.

Tim said good-by to me six times in the space of an hour.
Anxious to run Mom out the door or sad to see me go?

Tim gives me a deadline for finishing his blanket: April 30, 2008. Twelve inches down only 60 more to go.

Winding another warp for little bitty bookmarks. Did I say I was a weaver? So many looms, so little time.

Pop Quiz: What does INTJ stand for? Answer: All of the above.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

So What Happens Now?

In Illinois
In New Mexico
In plain sight
In cognito
Back to Iowa
Back to Georgia
Back to Tennessee
Back to the land