Friday, August 28, 2009

Another New Year Ahead

I don't think they'll make a movie out of this blog. There's not enough to hang a plot on or characters to contemplate or recipes for success. Just a note here and there about things on my mind. Today it's about my birthday and not feeling old enough to be the age I've turned.

Having two New Years makes resolutions revisions more tenable so here they are, new and revised. I guess you'd have to know what the originals were to know which is which. Sorry, that was a misplaced post.

Resolutions for my birthday:
  1. have another birthday
  2. spend more time with my family
  3. finish my second book
  4. master punctuation
  5. master two new weave structures
  6. practice yoga three times a week

That's more than enough, don't you think?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Believe that a farther shore is reachable from here..." Seamus Heaney, The Cure at Troy

when we set sail at first we did not know
what our birth would set in motion
how the water would rock our cradle
where the current would carry our dreams

what our birth would set in motion
who would bear witness of our journey
how the cradle would be thrown upon the rocks
when the sails would become worn and frayed

where the current would carry our dreams
how reachable the far shore from here
who would follow the north star to old beginnings
what witness would the oracle then believe